Monday, January 2, 2012


Some years ago, not many people have heard of the term “e-learning”. A lot of people have heard of terms such as distance education or distance learning, yet with the introduction of e-learning, distance education took on a whole new meaning. With e-learning, the possibilities for getting knowledge and information out to the learner at her/his own pace opened a whole new world for knowledge transfer. In recent years terminology changed and it went from using such terms as “technology-supported learning, distance learning and distance education” to “online learning and web-based training”

to “e-learning”. Today, e-learning allows us to share and manage knowledge and skills of the professionals who work in our colleges and universities, and to get the right information to the right people, when and how they need it.

1.1 Mobile technologies

In the future learning solutions and services will be integrated into mobile technologies as mobile phones, PDAs, digital pen and paper, and in the long term, mobile devices that are not yet on the market. In the long term, learning solutions and services are also likely to be integrated into electronic appliances, machines and information interfaces.

For mobile learning there are two distinct potential markets which are evolving:

a. The first one is the market of learning services for people that are without infrastructure (accessibility to internet and e-learning may not be as wide spread in rural or remote areas) and learners in developing economies

b. The second one is the market of learning services for people who’s jobs require them to continuously move, people learning and receiving information while visiting various sites and locations, certain types students needing individualized learning education, on the move and while on external projects.

In the United States the PDAs have already been used in schools and for workers on the move and this thing had significant results in terms of improved learning effectiveness. In Europe, mobile learning is beginning to develop, and telecommunications companies such as Nokia and Vodafone have already integrated these technologies into their training and development systems.

However, the real growth across this sector remains to be seen. Any growth in this market is likely to happen in the medium to long term.

1.2 Simulations in e-learning process

For a number of years, simulations have played an important role in the training activities of certain sectors, like the defense, aviation and aeronautical industries in several countries. They were not adopted until now on a large scale as learning tools due to some factors like the cost of development and the lack of tools for developing

high-quality simulations. These days we are in a different situation and simulations are being adopted in other industries and for a broad range of skills and competence development. Technology and cost barriers are
continuing to shrink, opening up the potential for wider adoption of simulation technology.

Today, computer technologies, such as Macromedia Flash, have become ubiquitous and e-learning vendors with simulation-development expertise are trying to offer more industry- and topic-specific simulation templates.

There are still barriers to be overcome, particularly in terms of design innovation, but computed mediated simulations are expected to gain a larger share of education and training activities. Simulations may offer advantages over handbooks and they can complement lectures, demonstrations and real world practice opportunities.

The market for these kind of learning services will probably continue to grow as simulation technologies
become more sophisticated and more cost effective to build.
1.3 Adaptive learning environments (ALEs)

In the recent years there is an increasingly heightened awareness of the potential benefits of adaptivity in e-Learning. This is happening because the ideal of individualized learning (i.e., learning suited to the specific requirements and preferences of the individual) cannot be achieved, especially at a “massive” scale, using traditional approaches. Factors that further contribute in this direction include: the diversity in the “target” population participating in learning activities (intensified by the gradual attainment of life-long learning practices); the diversity in the access media and modalities that one can effectively utilize today in order to access, manipulate, or collaborate on, educational content or learning activities, alongside with a diversity in the context of use of such technologies.

A learning environment is considered adaptive if it is capable of: monitoring the activities of its users; interpreting these on the basis of domain-specific models; inferring user requirements and preferences out of the interpreted activities, appropriately representing these in associated models; and, finally, acting upon the available knowledge on its users and the subject matter at hand, to dynamically facilitate the learning process.

Adaptive behavior on the part of a learning environment can have several manifestations:

• Adaptive Interaction which refers to adaptations that take place at the system’s interface and are intended to facilitate or support the user’s interaction with the system, without, however, modifying in any way the learning “content” itself. Examples of adaptations at this level include: the employment of alternative graphical or color schemes, font sizes, etc., to accommodate user preferences, requirements or (dis-) abilities at the lexical (or physical) level of interaction; the reorganization or restructuring of interactive tasks at the syntactic level of interaction; or the adoption of alternative interaction meta phors at the semantic level of interaction.

• Adaptive Course Delivery which constitutes the most common and widely used collection of adaptation techniques applied in learning environments today. In particular, the term is used to refer to adaptations that are intended to tailor a course (or, in some cases, a series of courses) to the individual learner. The intention is to optimize the “fit” between course contents and user characteristics / requirements, so that the “optimal” learning result is obtained, while, in concert, the time and interactions expended on a course are brought to a “minimum”.

• Content Discovery and Assembly refers to the application of adaptive techniques in the discovery and assembly of learning material / “content” from potentially distributed sources/ repositories. The adaptive component of this process lies with the utilization of adaptation- oriented models and knowledge about users typically derived from monitoring, both of which are not available to non-adaptive systems that engage in the same process.

• Adaptive Collaboration Support is intended to capture adaptive support in learning

processes that involve communication between multiple persons (and, therefore, social interaction), and, potentially, collaboration towards common objectives. This is an

important dimension to be considered as we are moving away from “isolationist” approaches to learning, which are at odds with what modern learning theory increasingly emphasizes: the importance of collaboration, cooperative learning, communities of learners, social nego tiation, and apprenticeship in learning.

One of the problems regarding the adaptive learning environments now is that existing standards do have some provisions for adaptation, but require substantial extensions to accommodate common practice in ALEs. The motivation for seeking standardization in adaptive e-Learning is directly linked to cost factors related to the development of ALEs and adaptive courses.

1.4 Open source e-learning tools

Today it is estimated that there are already more than 250 providers of commercial Learning Management

Systems. In addition, there were recently identified more than 40 open source LMS offerings (some of the most well known are Moodle, ILIAS, eduplone, Claroline and SAKAI).

Most of these products have extensive developer communities and present strong arguments for considering open source applications like an alternative to commercial products. Some of the criteria that are in favor of making a decision regarding an Open Source software applications are related to cost savings, stability, performance and access to code. On the other hand, for ensuring that users in the near future as well as the longer term have access to the best available applications, these Open Source software applications should be built on open standards.

It remains to be seen if open source e-learning technologies will capture the current or future market share from commercial providers, but the important thing in the process of making a decision regarding the adoption of a certain e-learning software for education is to consider all software options and make a choice based on their merits.

1.5 Standards development

Standard development is meant to knit together disparate groups and interests in the distributed learning community. It is intended to coordinate emerging technologies and capabilities with commercial/public implementations.

Until some time ago, a number of organizations have been working on different but closely related aspects of e-learning technology. These organizations have made great strides in their separate domains, but they have not been well connected to one another. Some of their specifications are general, anticipating a wide variety of implementations by various user communities (e.g., those using the Web, CD-ROMs, interactive multimedia instruction or other means to deliver instruction) and others are rooted in earlier practices and require adaptation to newly emerging approaches.

The idea is now to build a common “reference model” for the foundation of a good Web-based learning. It is generally accepted that all systems, whether commercial or open source, should be built on open standards if the market is to develop. These standards should articulate guidelines that can be understood and implemented by developers of learning content. In the second place, they must be adopted, understood and used by as wide a variety of stakeholders as possible, especially learning content and tool developers and their customers. Thirdly, they must permit mapping of any stakeholder’s specific model for instructional systems design and development into itself. Stakeholders must be able to see how their own model of instructional design is reflected by the reference model they hold in common.

In order to stimulate industry agreement some high-level requirements are established for the development of the e-learning environments. The requirements are :

• Accessibility: the ability to locate and access instructional components from one remote location and deliver them to many other locations.

• Adaptability: the ability to tailor instruction to individual and organizational needs.

• Affordability: the ability to increase efficiency and productivity by reducing the time and costs involved in delivering instruction.

• Durability: the ability to withstand technology evolution and changes without costly redesign, reconfiguration or recoding.

• Interoperability: the ability to take instructional components developed in one location with one set of tools or platform and use them in another location with a different set of tools or platform.

• Reusability: the flexibility to incorporate instructional components in multiple applications and contexts.

Probably standards and specifications (such as IEEE LOM, SCORM and more recently IMS specifications
such as IMS LD, IMS LIP and IMS QTI) will successfully evolve and become flexible enough to allow for the integration of real time learning processes, simulations, games, customized adaptive learning, digital rights management by 2010.
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