Sunday, January 8, 2012

Content creation by weaving in social conversations

Content creation by weaving in social conversations:

Last week, Ning was mentioned in Marty Weintraub’s Search Engine Land article, Content Marketing Essentials: Tactical Advice From A To Z. His post highlights ways marketers and businesses can develop a strategy through crafting quality written and creative content for their presence online, further building their brand. Interestingly, many of the steps Marty highlights appeal to the greater audience of Ning’s community organizers and those looking to weave social conversations in their content and inspire action online.

While Marty buckets Ning alongside blogging services like WordPress, he differentiates Ning as a platform underpinning the social endeavors many businesses, organizations and people aspire to establish and support within their website.

The Ning Platform enables communities to easily form and blossom online, allowing the conversation to grow organically by attracting people to the things they care most about; we see many examples underlining the various conversations and connections happening through Ning. For instance, seeking advice about how to cope with a diabetes diagnosis? The Ning Network TuDiabetes provides the outlet and a safe place to share your story and learn from others. Conversely, teeming with excitement over the movie premier of Twilight Breaking Dawn and looking for exclusive interviews with Twilight cast members? The Twilight Saga is the Ning community to hear the latest gossip or post your predictions for the final movie.

What’s happening on your Ning Network or how you are contributing to communities you’ve joined?

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